Hickory Dickory Dock
by Agatha Christie
Light bulbs, chocolates, a slashed rucksack, flannel trousers and a diamond ring that is later found in a bowl of soup, huh? Hickory Dickoy Dock by Agatha Christie set in 1930s UK is a mystery novel entailing crime and wisdom. Hercule Poirot, a Belgian sleuth is obsessed with “disappearances” at a hostel on the Hickory Road where the students and the reader understand not to judge a person based on first acquaintance. Poirot is approached by Mrs. Hubbard, the warden of the hostel to help find the culprit. When inquiries are made, it is discovered that every student has something to hide. Poirot's determination to solve this deceiving mystery makes this novel more suspenseful.Based in the 1930s in England, in a crowded student hostel on the Hickory Road, most of the characters that live at the hostel come from different nations. Valerie Hobhouse, Celia Austin, Patricia Lane, Gopal Ram, Nigel Chapman and, Ahmed Ali are some of the students at the hostel. The class system and discrimination prevail during the time period, hence the background of these characters is important to the text as it sets the suspenseful mood as all characters are expected to act a certain way because of their stereotypical description. Some “colored” characters show unreasonable respect towards the Britons which helps divert the suspicion and blind the reader into identifying the true culprit.Like most Christie Classics, Hercule Poirot is the detective for this mystery. He is a retired detective and it is his retirement that motivates him to take interest in what seemed like a mischief in the beginning which later on becomes a complicated murder mystery. Even though Poirot is a foreigner to England, he seems quite acquainted with people of different nationalities. Poirot is also further motivated to solve this mystery because of the fact that he cannot afford his secretary making another mistake in typing and filing letters! Throughout the novel, it is up to Hercule Poirot now, whether to believe in these stereotypes and fake imagery that is put up by the all “colored” students or believe in what he holds to be true and identify the culprit before it is too late.    
Hickory Dickory Dock is an ingenious mystery classic. I personally enjoyed reading this book and I would recommend this to all adult and young adult readers. The suspenseful mood that is consistent throughout the plot can be understood and enjoyed by anyone, especially because all this mystery is resolved for any clues and other details are explained at the end of the novel just like any other Agatha Christie book. However, I must say that this may not be an ideal book for readers who find it difficult to keep track of hints and information. This book has a broad variety of characters which may be slightly difficult to keep track of. Also, this is not a typical Agatha Christie book, this book is not as awing as many of her other classics but, I personally enjoyed how she manages to keep the reader so anxious. Hickory Dickory Dock is enjoyed by many and is written by Christie is her late years and it will force you to flip the page and find it out with every single time it is read.